
the four cities of quart


ciphers, text, scripts, alphabets


COSIMA LIGHTWELL - rogue / warlock - female half -elf


theme - goal - story hook - plot -  climax - general setting  - specific setting 1 - specific setting 2 - master villain - minor villain 1 - minor villain 2 - ally/neural - monster encounter - character encounter - death trap - chase - omen/prophecy - secret weakness - special condition - moral quandary - red herring -  cruel trick -  


theme - goal - story hook - plot -  climax - general setting  - specific setting 1 - specific setting 2 - master villain - minor villain 1 - minor villain 2 - ally/neural - monster encounter - character encounter - death trap - chase - omen/prophecy - secret weakness - special condition - moral quandary - red herring -  cruel trick -  

CAMPAIGN 4 - Stranger's tide

theme - action adventure goal - explore new area story hook - legend and rumour plot -  series of villains climax - bloody battle general setting  - exotic distant land specific setting 1 - magical lake specific setting 2 - madman's fortress master villain - zealot minor villain 1 - avenger minor villain 2 - hard eyed advisor ally/neural - hero worshiper monster encounter - nocturnal predator character encounter - thief death trap - coliseum chase - special terrain omen/prophecy - totem animal secret weakness - lack of familiarity special condition - magic doesn't work right moral quandary - saving quandary red herring -  lying rumour cruel trick -   wanted by the law