
Showing posts from 2016


theme - goal - story hook - plot -  climax - general setting  - specific setting 1 - specific setting 2 - master villain - minor villain 1 - minor villain 2 - ally/neural - monster encounter - character encounter - death trap - chase - omen/prophecy - secret weakness - special condition - moral quandary - red herring -  cruel trick -  


theme - goal - story hook - plot -  climax - general setting  - specific setting 1 - specific setting 2 - master villain - minor villain 1 - minor villain 2 - ally/neural - monster encounter - character encounter - death trap - chase - omen/prophecy - secret weakness - special condition - moral quandary - red herring -  cruel trick -  

CAMPAIGN 4 - Stranger's tide

theme - action adventure goal - explore new area story hook - legend and rumour plot -  series of villains climax - bloody battle general setting  - exotic distant land specific setting 1 - magical lake specific setting 2 - madman's fortress master villain - zealot minor villain 1 - avenger minor villain 2 - hard eyed advisor ally/neural - hero worshiper monster encounter - nocturnal predator character encounter - thief death trap - coliseum chase - special terrain omen/prophecy - totem animal secret weakness - lack of familiarity special condition - magic doesn't work right moral quandary - saving quandary red herring -  lying rumour cruel trick -   wanted by the law

CAMPAIGN 3 - a nymphs' desolation

theme - romance goal - clear name story hook - mystery woman plot -  event climax - scattered duels general setting  - cosmopolitan city specific setting 1 - palace of kings specific setting 2 - mansion of a lord master villain - lovably rogue minor villain 1 - one minded solider minor villain 2 - mistress with a heart of gold ally/neural - arrogant snob monster encounter - loving deceiver character encounter - seducer death trap - framed chase - footrace secret weakness - love special condition - no weapons allowed cruel trick -   NPC turns traitor / wanted by the law

CAMPAIGN 2 - council's gambit

theme - Espionage goal - gain money story hook - old friend plot -  A - B - C quest climax - prevented deed general setting  - cosmopolitan city specific setting 1 - demi - human specific setting 2 - catacombs master villain - organizer minor villain 1 - chief assassin minor villain 2 - inquisitor ally/neural - absent minded expert monster encounter - assassin monster character encounter - black mailer death trap - tomb death-traps special condition - no hurting the villain red herring -  looney has it all wrong

CAMPAIGN 1 - the cursed homeland

theme - horror goal - investigate home province story hook - old enemy plot -  geographic progression climax - throne room (lair) duel general setting  - hero's home town specific setting 1 - temple/church specific setting 2 - lost city master villain - avenger minor villain 1 - mistress with a gold heart minor villain 2 - moronic muscle man ally/neural - monster encounter - character encounter - death trap - chase - omen/prophecy - secret weakness - love special condition - moral quandary - red herring -  cruel trick -  

dnd world - pledura

{"year_len":396,"events":0,"n_months":9,"months":["firefore","bloodus","hearden","jyan","Divon","Konus","Redveer","Teem","Efey"],"month_len":{"firefore":44,"bloodus":44,"hearden":44,"jyan":44,"Divon":44,"Konus":44,"Redveer":44,"Teem":44,"Efey":44},"week_len":7,"weekdays":["moonday","zinthday","echiday","rupday","witherday","sependay","rootday"],"n_moons":2,"moons":["lima","riuno "],"lunar_cyc":{"lima":13,"riuno ":39},"lunar_shf":{"lima":2,"riuno ":3},"year":1020,"first_day":0,"notes":{}} CALENDER ^^^^^^ Locations - ghost light woods -

REYMOIRA KITRIS Cleric (light domain) / Ranger (conclave of hunt) - Wood elf Female

STATS STR - 8 DEX - 17 CON - 12 INT - 11 WIS - 16 CHA - 10 weapons: longbow (1d8) / duel wield scimitars (1d6 each)   Armour: medium armour studded leather

SARSEL TORGWYN - Fighter ( battle master) / Barbarain (way of the totem warrior) - dwarf female

STATS - STR - 16 DEX - 14 CON - 16 INT - 10 WIS - 8 CHA - 12 weapons : duel wield long words (1d8 each) / great maul (1d12) armour : unarmoured or heavy armour

ZYLAS HUSKHEART Paladin (oath of vengence) / Warlock (pact of the undying light ) - Aasimir male


CLAYTON HUSKHEART monk / warlock - aasimir - MALE

STATS - STR - 8 DEX - 15 CON - 10 INT - 10 WIS - 16 CHA -  14 bowie blade- (finesse, slashing 1d6) becomes stronger at certain levels Armour: unarmoured defence

TRAHORN 'TRUNK' DAESANDORAL - Paladin (oath of the archfey) - Firbolg male -

STATS - STR - 16 DEX - 10 CON - 10 INT - 8 WIS - 14 CHA - 16 weapons: scythe (two handed, reach, heavy, slashing or piercing 1d10) armour: heavy armour plate